Monday, April 28, 2014

Seeing the Invisible

It's time for an update... but, I've been wondering what to share because things feel at a stall. I haven't yet seen the results I'd hoped from the contacts I made, and momentum I'm still trying to build - not just with Senator Murray's office and We Are One America, -but with others I've contacted in my sphere to help as well.  Many people expressed willingness, to help but it feels a bit like the train is slowing down, and I'm not sure what I should be doing to get it moving again. I'm continuing to trust and not be discouraged but I find myself feeling like a child, impatiently waiting because time seems agonizingly the hardest obstacle. I'm starting to wonder if I put too much faith in what people say. How many times is it ok to ask or reach out before risking alienation. I worry that if I keep reaching out to ask for help that I might alienate or turn people off to the ultimate goal. At the same time, what does it really matter if I'm ignored or rejected? My faith can't be in people, we are all fallible - my faith is in God, I can trust Him, and this is too important to quit.
This morning I was encouraged when I read " So we’re not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace. These hard times are small potatoes compared to the coming good times, the lavish celebration prepared for us. There’s far more here than meets the eye. The things we see now are here today, gone tomorrow. But the things we can’t see now will last forever." 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 (MSG)

Outside of all that, I can hardly express my anticipation for what is to come. My daughters will be here soon, which excites me to tears. I cannot wait to wake up in the morning to their faces and get to enjoy my time off in their company! The fact that our youngest daughter, Catalina, has been living away from me almost as long as she lived with me breaks my heart, and I am beyond words excited to get to know her and see her daily! Today I resorted to speaking in Spanish with Maya, our 6 year old, which is something I've avoided, just so she could have a conversation with me on the phone. In these past 8 months she's become so immersed in her Mexican culture (a fact I can't regret or resent) that it's difficult for her to communicate in English. We will soon get to read together again, and just be together! I've so missed her company. I bet she can help me improve my Spanish as I help her remember her English.
.... Oh the things we take for granted....

I am trying to figure out my work schedule so that I'm able to work enough to provide for our needs, but also spend time with my children while they are here. I am so very fortunate that my mother-in-law will be here to care for them. Although, she has a son with 3 other grandchildren also living here so I can't have her all to myself, my brother in law and his family need her too. Fine... I say with a pout not at all begrudgingly, hehe. ;)

The beds are made, there is some drawer & closet space available... I am nearly ready. I need to clear out some things, but I think the plan to hold a garage sale before the kids arrive might be too ambitious, and need to be tossed, considering work & weather. We don't need to walk through the garage anyway right?! And there is still space in the attic to shove stuff.

So the preparations continue, and excitement builds for both the known and unknown. I can't wait for my children to be here, and I continue to pray for a more permanent resolution, to bring my whole family back together.

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